Scripture: "But do not kill them, Lord our shield, or my people will forget. In your might uproot them and bring them down." Psalms 59:11 NIV Application: Jealousy, aka covetousness, is one of the worst of human characteristics. The sinful person is never happy with what God has given them. They fail to reflect on how the Lord blesses them despite their sinfulness. Saul was consumed with jealousy and was soaked in depression. Being king, his meglamania went unchecked. He didn't think he needed God. He could do anything he wished without consequence...or so it seemed. Yet his fall would be greater than most because of his stature and wickedness. David, the target of Saul's jealousy, wrote a song about his need of the Lord's protection as Saul pursued him to kill him. That song contains a curious line asking God not to kill the powerful wicked pursuers right away. Instead, make the fall of the powerful so devastating that the whole world sees this as an example. A mere quick death is not an option. Jimmy Cliff had a popular reggae song, "The Harder They Come, The Harder They Fall." Apt. Prayer: Please protect us from evil, dear Lord, and show the world why the sin of the unrepentant blasphemers leads to devastating annihilation. Amen. Comments are closed.
May 2023
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