Scripture: “Therefore say to them, ‘This is the nation that has not obeyed the LORD its God or responded to correction. Truth has perished; it has vanished from their lips.” Jeremiah 7:28 (NIV) Application: We have to pray for our leaders. We need to make sure we remind them of the need to be Godly. Regardless of their response (if there is one), we have to live lives of love, charity, and fairness toward others. Especially those who seem unlike ourselves. Prayer: Dear God, Jesus taught us to behave as the Good Samaritan. Help me do so, regardless of what political leaders do. Amen.
"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” 1 Corinthians 1:27 (NIV) Application: I've racked up more failures in life than successes, if you look at me as the world does. There are goals I pretty much should keep quietly on the shelf, dusty and unattainable, if you look at the odds of my achieving them before I die. Some would say that. But God doesn't say that. All through the Bible, God used the inadequate and unsuccessful underdog to bring Him the victory. All through life, including mine, God made good things happen when it seemed improbable. There's air in my lungs and a sun about to rise. Look out world, I'm still a contender. Prayer: Dear God, please keep me motivated to keep trying my best to do my best. Use me. Send me. All to Your glory. Amen. Scripture:
“If our hope in Christ is only for this life here on earth, then people should feel more sorry for us than for anyone else.” 1 Corinthians 15:19 (ERV) Application: What gives us Christians so much hope? We look ahead. Not just to the next day, when God assures us that no matter what comes, He will be there to provide and protect us. Better than that. Even non-religious optimists can have a cheerful outlook, and that’s good. But what’s best is to know that what comes after this life is beautiful beyond words. This surpasses the hopes of even the most optimistic person on earth. Prayer: Dear God, I thank You not only for today, but the great beyond, when I will see You face to face. Help me persuade others to look to You, and not to themselves or the world. Glory be to You, forever! |
May 2023
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