Scripture: "Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand." Romans 14:4 NASB95 "Therefore, no one is to act as your judge in regard to food and drink, or in respect to a festival or a new moon, or a Sabbath day—things which are only a shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ." Colossians 2:16,17 NASB95 "But take care that this freedom of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak. For if someone sees you, the one who has knowledge, dining in an idol’s temple, will his conscience, if he is weak, not be strengthened to eat things sacrificed to idols? For through your knowledge the one who is weak is ruined, the brother or sister for whose sake Christ died. And so, by sinning against the brothers and sisters and wounding their conscience when it is weak, you sin against Christ. Therefore, if food causes my brother to sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause my brother to sin." 1 Corinthians 8:9-13 NASB95 "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27 NASB95 Application: Whether a person is of one political party or none should make no difference within the Christian community. We are caring and supportive people. We should have no more disputes over politics than we do over vegetarianism or how we as individuals pray to God. Of course, we should practice the charity and compassion that Jesus lived, but God, not us, will be the judge of whether the person "across the political aisle" succeeds or fails in the Christian faith set for them. Prayer: Father in heaven, teach us to yield judging and fighting with others in the name of Christianity. Amen. Comments are closed.
May 2023
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