Scripture: 'Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. ' Mark 4:27 NIV Application: As hard as it is to believe, aging doesn't just bring decay, but also increasing holiness. It comes when we plant the Word of God into our "good soil" hearts (Mark 4:20). When we do, it grows. And we don't know how. Even as we sleep (v. 27). This is nearly effortless. Nearly, because we have to begin with that good soil. Cultivation comes when we read the Word regularly, fellowship with each other, maybe partake of Bible study plans or discussions. We don't know how, but when we reflect on where we were days, months, or years earlier, we'll marvel at how we're growing better. More accurately, the Lord's kingdom is growing, and we're part of it. Prayer: Lord, we know You're expanding Your kingdom around us and in us. We thank You for allowing us to be part of this growth. Amen. Comments are closed.
May 2023
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