Scripture: "Abner called out..Don’t you realize that this will end in bitterness?” (2 Samuel 2:26 NIV). Application: How awful and mutually destructive it is when God's people fight among ourselves! The dire result of this behavior is as old as the Bible. Abner, Saul's military leader, was aware that it was God's intention to transfer Israel's leadership from Saul to David (2 Samuel 3:9-10), and Abner also knew this was a good transfer, since David would make Israel victorious over its enemies (2 Samuel 3:17-18). Yet Abner fought against David for years, even though he acknowledged it was a fruitless fight. Yes, Abner eventually came to a peace accord with David, but only after this intra-family bitterness led to his own murder. We should learn from the Bible and stop fighting each other. Prayer: Father, deliver us Christian sisters and brothers from the evil of bitter in-fighting. Amen. Comments are closed.
May 2023
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