“Then rose up certain of the elders of the land, and spake to all the assembly of the people, saying...” Jeremiah 26:17 (KJV) Application: Listening to the older and wiser people gives us an advantage: we need not make the same mistakes over and over again. But do we listen? Not enough. Look around. It's like reruns of train wrecks being replayed. There is avoidable disaster up ahead, and yet we continue down the same tracks, only with different train cars and passengers. We'd do well to pray that God will encourage wiser and older people to warn us of the dangers on the path ahead. And we should listen to them. Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for letting older people gain the wisdom and experience we need to learn from. Please keep them spiritually, mentally, and physically fit so that they can enjoy their senior years and help us all live lives that make You happy. Amen. Comments are closed.
May 2023
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