Scripture: For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins. There are those who oppress the innocent and take bribes and deprive the poor of justice in the courts... Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the Lord God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Amos 5:12, 14 NIV Application: We cannot afford to fool ourselves. How can we do wrong things to the poor and powerless, yet at the same time claim "God is with us"? Yes, He's with us, but He very well may be preparing to bring His judgmental wrath upon us. We must strive for God's higher standard and help the oppressed. Then God is with us in the protective, blessed ways we cherish. Prayer: Lord Jesus, show us where we are being hypocritical and encourage us to change our ways so that we are merciful toward others just as we want mercy from You. Amen. Comments are closed.
May 2023
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