Scripture: “And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.” Genesis 1:28-30 (ESV) “Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “The word of the Lord that you have spoken is good.” For he thought, “Why not, if there will be peace and security in my days?” 2 Kings 20:19 (ESV) Application: God gave us dominion over the world to make it comfortable not only for ourselves, but also all people of many generations to come. When we selfishly soak up the beauty of nature and enjoy peace during our lifetimes, yet neglect to preserve natural beauty and peace for future generations, we are not being loving caretakers. Prayer: Lord God, we pray that we will be better caretakers of this world, and that those who think only about their own welfare will be stopped from ruining nature and peace for others. Amen. Comments are closed.
May 2023
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